Media / News Articles

VIBF TIT Talks: The BC BDAR Project Presentation

April 7, 2022

VIBF TIT Talks: The BC BDAR Project Presentation

On April 7, 2022 BC BDAR Project Coordinator Andrea and Research Lead Courtney had the opportunity to speak at the Vancouver International Burlesque Festival’s TIT Talks about the BC BDAR Project, what it is, why we need it, and how folks can get involved.

You can check out the full video of our presentation here

CBC: B.C.-wide ‘bad date’ reporting system aims to improve sex worker safety

February, 2021

CBC: B.C.-wide ‘bad date’ reporting system aims to improve sex worker safety

Article linked here

CTV News: ‘Bad date’ reporting system: What it is, and how it may help keep B.C. sex workers safe

February, 2021

CTV News: ‘Bad date’ reporting system: What it is, and how it may help keep B.C. sex workers safe

Article linked here

Vancouver Sun: B.C. sex workers to launch Canada’s first provincial bad-date reporting system

February, 2021

Vancouver Sun: B.C. sex workers to launch Canada’s first provincial bad-date reporting system

Article link here